C O U R S E   S T R U C T U R E





Session 1

Introduction to term structure and Concepts of Bootstrapping

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 1

Session 2

Bootstrapping of EURIBOR 6M and 3M

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 1

Session 3

Bootstrapping of Dual Currency Curve USD-EUR, USD-CAD OIS curves

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 2

Session 4

Bootstrapping of Cheapest to Deliver Curves

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 2

Session 5

Pricing of Equity based derivatives such as Equity Options, Equity Forwards using Black 76 model

2 -2.5 Hours

Week 3

Session 6

Pricing of Equity based derivatives such as Equity Options, Equity Forwards using Geometric Brownian Motions (GBM)

2 -2.5 Hours

Week 3

Session 7

Valuation of American Options using Monte Carlo and Binomial Tree

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 4

Session 8

Valuation of Equity Total Return Swaps, Equity Digital Options, and Look back options

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 4

Session 9

Valuation of Interest Rate Caps and Floor (SOFR)

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 5

Session 10

Valuation of Swaptions (SOFR)

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 5

Session 11

Valuation of FX Options using Garman Kohlhagen model (Delta Conversion) and Valuation of FX Forwards

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 6

Session 12

Valuation of Interest Rate Swaps (IRS) and Cross Currency Swaps

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 6

Session 13

Valuation of Credit Default Swaps using JP morgan model

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 7

Session 14

Bootstrapping of Inflation Index

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 7

Session 15

Continuation of Bootstrapping of Inflation Index

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 8

Session 16

Introduction to Value at Risk and different methods to calculate VaR

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 8

Session 17

Implementation of Historical Simulation Approach for calculating VaR using for an equity option

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 9

Session 18

Introduction to CVA, DVA and their respective computation

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 9

Session 19

Computation of Interest sensitivities and computation of Option Greeks

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 10

Session 20

Introduction to the Model Validation Aspects on VaR models

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 10

Session 21

Introduction to IR VOL models and Rates models such as SABR, Vasicek, and Hull White

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 11

Session 22

Introduction to Quantitative Mathematics

2 – 2.5 Hours

Week 11

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