T E R M S   &   C O N D I T I O N S
  • The course is designed to provide information for the education purpose only.
  • The objective of the courses is to provide practical and industry-oriented training in the field of Quant Finance and Risk Modelling.
  • These classes are given for only personal use of the student enrolled for the online classes and must be viewed individually (and not in groups).
  • The lecture videos are only temporarily transferred only for self-viewing purpose and no other purpose with period of expiry and no ownership has been transferred.
  • Admission is confirmed only after receipt of payment in our bank account. We don’t hold any responsibility for any link failure, other banking reasons etc. Owing to which it is debited in student’s bank account but not credited in our bank account.
  • The ownership and all rights of the classes solely lies with SKKEWTOSIS EDTECH PRIVATE LIMITEDAs such, the fees paid for the e-learning courses does not entitle the participant to any right/ownership on such classes. The fees are paid only for the purpose of viewing the classes for a limited period as granted to him/her. The participant cannot record the class in any mode of audio or video or both nor can it be recorded through internal or external device or through camera. In case of any misconduct legal action can be taken and student’s membership shall be cancelled.
  • The student must allow to track his/her PC/laptop through IP address/machine ID for the purpose of inspection of authorized use of classes. In case of any malpractice/unauthorized use of the classes, legal proceeding can be initiated as per the prevalent law in this connection. In case of any suspect, pending such enquiry, we can stop providing further classes without refund of any fees. Further, student must co-operate and allow external parties, being IT expert/ forensic auditor for any inquiry, inspection in this regard. The Management reserves the right to take strict legal action in case of any violation.
  • In case of any damage, loss occurred to our company because of unauthorized use of classes the student shall be held responsible and have to bear such loss. Fees paid by student will not be refunded under any circumstances including incase our classes are available free of cost in any mode such as YouTube etc.
  • These classes are password protected through encryption technology.
  • In all matters, the decision taken by our company shall be final and student shall abide by it. Disputes are subjected to jurisdiction of NCT of Delhi only. SKKEWTOSIS EDTECH PRIVATE LIMITED reserves the right to vary these Terms and Conditions from time to time and the current version will be that published on this website. We reserve the right to decline the acceptance of an online payment. SKKEWTOSIS EDTECH PRIVATE LIMITED may also make additions/deletions/alteration to the services offered, at its sole discretion. We reserve the right to withdraw the service at any time at its discretion. We retain the right to change the terms and conditions for Online Fees Payments, without any prior notice.
  • SKKEWTOSIS does not guarantee any jobs to the students. Additionally, SKKEWTOSIS does not award or offer any certification for the course.
  • Classes or Sessions will happen on the Weekends (Saturday/Sunday) only. Classes can be scheduled on Public holidays as well based on the discussion with the students.